
Angela's Photos

capitol fisheye

> Gallery Listing > DC > capitol fisheye.jpg > File and Exif Data
capitol fisheye.jpg
Download Original (JPEG: 600 x 387 - 57.3K)

File Data:

Filename = capitol fisheye.jpg
ImageWidth = 600
ImageHeight = 387
UniqueColors = 64691
Filesize = 58670
Comment = LEAD Technologies Inc. V1.01
Label =
Format = JPEG
QuantumDepth = 8
X Resolution = 150 PixelsPerInch
Y Resolution = 150 PixelsPerInch
Signature = 50f00cb60ed2cf9945359c73a7066fbc657bd458202acccddc2642864b0ce19b

LunpaCMS Photo Manager v2.25
Some images courtesy of FamFamFam.com